Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Drifting Flowers




Sunday, December 28, 2008

We look very T/ B today

T stands for me, B stands for you. Every time I see them, I see us. Always wonder if you see any coincidence in those scenes, just like audience wonder how would they exactly end in the story. From the beginning I strongly felt the identity; in the middle, I felt it still; till now, I couldn’t agree anymore of those struggles, confusions, jealousy, missing, and expectations.

I know it’s a fiction, just happened to be so real. Audience can see clearly because they are audience who has been told by the story teller that characters still care for each other. Every stage, every chapter, is so vivid like what we bump into in these years. We apart for meeting new people and experiencing different lives, we apart for truly understanding and forgiving each other, but are we apart for getting back again one day? There is no story teller to tell us, only suspensions in the air. Like them in the story…

I don’t know, do you have answer for that? Or again, let time proves, let fate decide? I don’t know, I don’t know… I am looking forward to the finale and hoping it’s a rebound circle like the little wishing star in velvet sky. It’s alright that a girl can dream, right?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hanging Up






Friday, December 19, 2008

Japanese food

It is poison, listening to those stories where i dont belong. Again, im killing myself slowly and gently.

You are right about one thing tonight, the worst part of this year has passed. Yes, i believe everything will get better and better in this worse and worse world. Yesterday i was still afraid of losing all and restart over again, but today i am expecting everything can begin from zero once more.

Another chance for another life. Im not done with you, there are more Japanese food to have.

Friday, December 12, 2008





Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You're timeless to me (from Hairspray)

You're like a stinky old cheese, just getting better with age.
You're like a fatal desease, but there's no cure so let the fever rage.
Some folks can't stand it, say time is a bandit.
But i take the opposite view cause when i need a lift,
time brings a gift, another day with you.
A twist or a waltz, its all the same schmaltz,
with just a change in the scenery.
You'll never be old hat.
That's that.
You're timeless to me.

You're like a broken down chevy,
all you need is a fresh coat of paint.
You got me going hot and heavy, you're fat and old,
but boring you ain't.
Some folks don't get it, but we never fret it.
Cause we know that time is our friend.
It's to plain to see that you're stuck with me until the bitter end.
You'll always hit the spot, big shot,
you're timeless to me.

You'll always be du jour mon amour,
You're timeless to me.
You'll always be first string, ring-a-ding,
you're timeless to me.

North Country


自幼被強暴後以為自己可以假裝沒事繼續長大成人的堅強與看不見的恐懼陰霾讓女性更有韌性,儘管必須瞞著雙親還要對抗無知之人的詆毀謾罵或者戴上面具度日。可是當女人有了想要守護的東西時,一切的一切都可以為他//它做到,孩子、情人、家庭...任何她覺得值得用生命去抵禦的人事物。可是最後最勇敢動容的是說出來,是的,說出來。Speak up! Speak up! (我聯想到 Legally Blond 2的台詞)接著我想到的是感謝那些偉大的女性們在廿世紀末之前促成性騷擾防制條款並遍及全世界的文明國家,從過去君權/男權至上過渡到現在男女平等,沒有她們現在身為女同性戀的我大概會更慘。可我突然發現,在仍不被完全平等對待的同性戀社群裡,這件事情竟成了一個有冤無處申的漏洞?!

片中女性為了求一份餬口工作,幾乎全數對於種種 abuse 忍氣吞聲,即便身心再如何受創,她們選擇不要反抗、不要出聲、逆來順受,只要每個月能拿到薪水養活自己、養活父母、養活小孩。男人們用群體力量、用工作權利、用錢!去 abuse 女人。同性的感情世界呢?因為稀有、因為得來不易,遇上自己人都比一般人更加親切;但其中有些人卻利用這一點 abuse 了自己人。因為同樣性別,所以有著更大的包容心,被架到廁所,被半夜抓起來做,被頤指氣使,被堵住嘴不能出聲,被辱罵個狗血淋頭,被批評到一無是處,被物盡其用...都安靜地概括承受。也許妳會想問為什麼那些傻瓜要這樣被 abuse 呢?因為她/他們以為不管有沒有承諾,如果 fight back,打的是可是自己人!革命尚未成功,同志仍須努力,怎麼能先窩裡反?我們極力在撇清社會版上的負面新聞了,怎又能因為對自己人的愚忠愚孝與寬容又多添一樁?況且,總以為有情有義,總以為弄假成真,總以為有一天會快樂幸福,總以為每個同伴都會珍惜、尊重同伴的情誼是件很基本的格調...
