Sunday, December 28, 2008

We look very T/ B today

T stands for me, B stands for you. Every time I see them, I see us. Always wonder if you see any coincidence in those scenes, just like audience wonder how would they exactly end in the story. From the beginning I strongly felt the identity; in the middle, I felt it still; till now, I couldn’t agree anymore of those struggles, confusions, jealousy, missing, and expectations.

I know it’s a fiction, just happened to be so real. Audience can see clearly because they are audience who has been told by the story teller that characters still care for each other. Every stage, every chapter, is so vivid like what we bump into in these years. We apart for meeting new people and experiencing different lives, we apart for truly understanding and forgiving each other, but are we apart for getting back again one day? There is no story teller to tell us, only suspensions in the air. Like them in the story…

I don’t know, do you have answer for that? Or again, let time proves, let fate decide? I don’t know, I don’t know… I am looking forward to the finale and hoping it’s a rebound circle like the little wishing star in velvet sky. It’s alright that a girl can dream, right?

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