Tuesday, December 11, 2007


曾經有人跟我說過,「R」這個字,尤其是加了母音「e」變成「Re」之後,幾乎全數帶有重複、再的意思。翻了翻我的從小用到大的英文字典,光是 Re開頭的字彙就佔了36頁之多。Recall, recede, recluse, recover, redeem, reduce, reflect, reform, rejoin, release, remain, remind, remove, renew, repay, repeat, resent, reserve, restrain, retract, retry, return, revenge, reveal, rewrite...所以我一再重蹈覆轍,一再循環。我知道,又不知道;我瞭解,又不瞭解;我體諒,我又憎厭;我衝動,我又壓抑;我想要,我又逃避;我強壯,我又軟弱。「矛盾」,今天有人這樣形容我。十五六歲那年,一個橘紅色的午後,在教職員辦公室走廊外面的石椅,充滿智慧的歷史老師就看出我的互相拉扯的靈魂。「妳年紀還這麼輕,怎麼會有這麼複雜的思想?妳不斷地在自我否定,自我推翻...」嘆了口氣,「妳整個人就是用矛盾組成的。」十五年前她就已經下了定義。

昨天看Weather Man,一部一直在下雪、下雨、陰天的沈悶小品。最後天氣預報員闡釋了他曾經對自己人生的預測,以及實際發生的真相。
I remember once...
...imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like.
I pictured having all these qualities.
Strong, positive qualities...
...that people could pick up on from across a room.
But as time passed...
...few ever became any qualities I actually had.
And all the possibilities I faced, and the sorts of people I could be...
...all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer...
...until finally they got reduced to one...
...to who I am.
And that's who I am...

...a Ridiculous R

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